LTC/USD (Litecoin to US Dollar)

In the table below you can see the Litecoin to US Dollar (LTC/USD) live price and the historical price chart as offered by

The price bellow is not the exact real price, it a CFD price offered by really close to the market actual price.

If you want to take advantage from the price fluctuations of Litecoin you can start trading LTC/USD in Plus500.


Litecoin to Dollar Real Price


About Litecoin (LTC)

Litecoin is now becoming more popular among cryptocurrency hoders.

Bitcoin and Ethereum are the most known cryptocurrency projects but now many people want to come out of these two cryptocurrencies and invest in something new and Litecoin can be the best choice for them.

The value of Litecoin has higher up to 7,291 percent in 2017 while bitcoin is increased by 1731 percent only.

We can take Litecoin and Bitcoin as brothers. It is digital money and peer-to-peer cryptocurrency that uses blockchain for the transaction. It does not need any third party to transfer money from one person to other such as a bank or other source. It is not owned by any central authority means it is an open source software project through which coins can be transferred.

Litecoin was introduced in 2011 and comes 2nd after bitcoin because of its highest market.


Origin of Litecoin:

As we know about Satoshi Nakamoto, who is the creator of Bitcoin and got fame. Charlie Lee is also very popular for the creation of Litecoin. He is a very passionate worker on social media and had the aim to make a new and light modified Bitcoin when he was a Google employee.

The purpose of Bitcoin was to make it as Gold while Litecoin as the ‘’Silver’’. It was made very light to support everyday payments. Keeping this idea in mind, on 7 October 2011, it was introduced and then become active on 13 October 2011.


Difference between Litecoin and Bitcoin:

There are three main differences that make Litecoin and Bitcoin different from one another.

1) Speed difference:

If we look at the speed of Bitcoin and Litecoin, Litecoin comes first because of its fastest and quicker speed. This is a huge visible difference that makes these both quite different. The blocks generated in Litecoin are quicker and faster four times than bitcoin. The transaction is confirmed in a very short time as compared to Bitcoin’s transaction.

A common Bitcoin Transaction takes 10 min to be completed, while litecoin needs 2,5 minutes!

2) Amount of coins:

The intrinsic value of some cryptocurrency is because they are limited in number. A limited number of cryptocurrency are made and that does not exceed the limit.

Bitcoin has 21 million coins and that’s the limit while Litecoin has 84 million.

3) Raking among cryptocurrency:

As bitcoin is much demanded cryptocurrency and its market cap is higher than Litecoin but still, it is among the top of the list in cryptocurrency.

This ranking depends on the worth and quantity of coins in circulation.

4) Mining Conflict:

If we talk about mining, they both have a big difference. The hashing algorithm used by Bitcoin is SHA-256. This is the reason why Bitcoin is on the top in ASIC technology.

While Litecoin hashing algorithm is scrypt algorithm. Scrypt is originally written as s-crypt.

Here are some major differences are shown in the table to understand the difference easily:

Bitcoin Litecoin
Coin Limits 21 Million 4 Million
Algorithm SHA-256 Scrypt
Mean Block Time 10 minutes 2.5 minutes
Difficulty Retarget 2016 Block 2016 Block
Initial Reward 50 BTC 50 LTC
Block Reward Detail Halved every 210,000 blocks Halved every 840,000 blocks
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