Alphabet (Google) Share Price Plus500

In the table below you can see the Alphabet Share live price and the historical price chart as offered by

Alphabet is a very famous company, since it is the owner of Google.

The price bellow is not the exact real price, it a CFD price offered by really close to the market actual price.

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Alphabet Share Historical Price

A more than 100% increase has taken place between 2010 and 2019.


About Alphabet

Sergey Brin and Larry Page founded Aphabet Inc. in October 2015. Alphabet is a holding company owning other companies. Google is one of the leading companies that is working under Alphabet corporation. Google was managing a lot of workload since it was created. That is a major reason the founders of Google decided to establish a parent company that will manage the load of Google. They also wanted to increase ethe userbase of Google by strengthening Google search engine itself

In short, they did some restructuring in Google Inc. to establish Alphabet Inc. Basically, Alphabet Inc. does not operate any business on its own. In fact, the company owns many other businesses and Google is one of them. According to the company, all the businesses other than Google are Other bets.

Larry Page, one of the founders of the company is currently the CEO of Alphabet. Moroever, Eric Schmidt is currently the Executive Chairman of the company. Some of the other board members of Alphabet Inc are Ruth Porat, David Drummond, and Sergey Brin.

The headquarter of Alphabet Inc. is located in Mountain View, California.


Alphabet Operations

At the moment the Alphabet is operating in two segments: Other Bets and Google.

The company offers the following products under the Google segment. Google Cloud, Android, Google Play, Chrome, Search, Ads, Hardware, technical infrastructure, YouTube and Google Maps. The Google segment also provides cloud services, digital content, hardware devices along with some other products and services.

Some of the other businesses that are operating under Alphabet are CapitalG, Calico, Access, Verily, Waymo, GV, X, and Nest.


The year 2016 was good for the company, where a revenue of around 90.3 billion USD were created in that year. The currency revenue growth was reported to be 24% and the revenue growth was 20%.

Moreover, the revenues of around USD 89.5 billion were generated alone by the Google Segment.Most of the revenue is produced by the Search Engine, where Google seems to be the leader of market. Google states that its search engine algorithm provides the best queries results to users. At the early ages of Google, Google Search Engine was based to PageRank, an algorithm used to rank webpages mostly based of their linking profile. Today the algorithm is much more complex and Ranking Factors have dramatically increased.

However, the exact way google search engine works, is not shared to public. The algorithm remains a google inside secret.

A reputable website specialized to internet marketing and Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Backlinko, is offering a guide about Google Ranking Factors.
Other Search Engines are Bing (Microsoft), Yandex, Baidu, AOL and Yahoo Search

The Other Bets Segment generated USD 0.8 billion revenue. Most of the revenues were generated from the United Kingdom and the United States.

A total of 72,000 full-time employees are currently working in Alphabet Inc. around the world.


Business Strategy

The company follows a very unique business strategy. Most of its business is generated from Google alone and the company motivates its users to purchase/use its services and products. Today billions of people are using Google products including Gmail, YouTube, Chrome browser, Google Maps and more.



Alphabet Inc. has acquired different businesses in the past few years. Alphabet acquired 200 companies back in 2015. Moreover, the company has done many investments back in 2017. Alphabet backed many different startups and it successfully acquired 7 out of them.


Alphabet CFD Trading

It is not necessary for you to buy the real Alphabet share, instead, you can try the Alphabet CFD.

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