Gold Price Live (Plus500 CFD Trading)

In the table below you can see the Gold Live Price and the historical price chart as offered by

Gold Live Price is one of most common google searches, so this Live Financial Chart should be what you are looking for!

The price bellow is not the exact real price, it a CFD price offered by really close to the market actual price. Plus500 is a highly recommended CFD Trading Broker in Europe, Asia, Middle East, Australia, New Zealand.

If you want to take advantage from the price volatility of Gold you can start trading CFD Gold (XAU CFD) in Plus500.


Gold Price (Plus500 CFD Trading) | XAU CFD

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About Gold

plus500 gold Gold is the most important & famous metal found on earth. Its chemical symbol is Au (coming from the latin word Aurum), but almost everywhere today is called Gold.

Noone knows how exaclty the gold has beed delivered to our planet. The dominant view says that Gold has been delivered to earth before 4-5 billion years from violent supernovas’ explosions. Newer reserchers believe it is possible that gold came to earth from Neutron Stars,while others believe that Meteorites delivered gold to Earth.It is generally bilieved that most of the earth’s gold is burried in the core of the earth, while some smaller amounts can be found in the crust and mantle of the earth.

But why is gold so precious?

Mostly because Gold is a soft, malleable, shiny metal with beautiful appearance. The difference of Gold compared to other metals is that Gold resists to corrosion and oxidation. Gold can be used to produce expensive jewelries, industrial products such as photovoltaics, or can be useful to dentists. But its more important use is in investements.

Since ancient times, gold has been a means of trade. Many ancient coins were made of gold.

Archaeologists have discovered gold jewelries in the area of Iraq since 3,000 BC, and gold ornaments in Peru around 1200 BC. The ancient Egyptians were the most skilled at processing gold and using it in their financial transactions. In 1000 BC. was the legal form of money in China and the Romans had issued a gold coin that had been a medium of exchange for more than three centuries.

Gold has always been directly linked to the US economy and the USD. Since the end of World War II in 1945, the United States, the world’s strongest economy, has introduced a new monetary system based on the gold reserves of the central banks. In 1961, the central banks of Belgium, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States agreed to symbolize the value of gold in dollars.

What affects the prices of Gold?

Most people believe that the price of gold depends on the worlwide demand for jewelry. This statement is not true, because only the 50% of the worlwide production covers the demand for gold jewelry. A 40% is driven to Gold investments, and this demand is really high.

Central banks hold significant amounts of gold and demand from central banks pushes gold prices upwards.

The price of gold is going in the opposite direction to the price of the dollar. What does this mean; A strong dollar keeps gold prices low. It is a weaker US dollar likely to drive the price of gold higher. This is because people tend to invest and trade in dollars when the dollar is strong. In times of economic crisis, they prefer to invest in gold.

Owning gold is considered a safe haven worldwide in times of global economic instability. Investment gold demand usually rises when the dollar plummets, meaning the US economy is in trouble. A general instability in global financial systems will sharply increase demand for gold. Of course, in such circumstances gold will be hard to be found.

The largest holders of gold reserves are central banks. Since 2014, no currency in the world has been supported by gold. But that doesn’t mean countries have sold their gold. Most hold large gold reserves to defend their currency in emergencies. There you can go directly if you want to buy gold and be sure that what you bought is really gold. It is easy for someone to fall victim to fraud on the internet and in the free market in general.


Top 6 Gold Holders

  1. USA: The United States holds more than 8,100 tons of gold. Most of this quantity is stored inside the country.
  2. Germany holds more than 3,300 tons. In 2007 Germany converted billions of dollars in gold trying to boost eurozone citizens’ confidence.
  3. Italy holds around 2,450 tons of Gold.
  4. France holds around 2,430 tons of Gold.
  5. Russia holds around 2,200 tons of Gold.
  6. China holds around 1,915 tons of Gold.

International Monetary Fund (IMF) holds 2.815 tons of Gold. If IMF was a country, it would rank in position 3 of the above list!


Top Gold Producers:

China is a leader producer, producing around 404 tons of gold yearly which equals to the 11.5% of world production. In second place is Australia, which is producing 9% of the world’s total gold, ahead of Russia, the United States and Canada. Together, these five countries produced just over 40% of total production in 2018, followed by Peru, Indonesia, Ghana, South Africa and Mexico.

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