Ethereum Trading Plus500 (ETH/USD)

In the table below you can see the Ethereum to Dollar (ETH/USD) live price and the historical price chart as offered by

EThereum is the second most famous cryptocurrency (Bitcoin is the first), so this Live Financial Chart should be what you are looking for!

The price bellow is not the exact real price, it a CFD price offered by really close to the market actual price.

If you want to take advantage from the price volatility of Ethereum you can start trading BTC/USD in Plus500.


Ethereum to USD Live Price Chart (ETH/USD Plus CFD)


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In Plus500 Platform you can trade Ethereum/USD and other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin/USD, Litecoin/USD, Ripple/USD, Bitcoin/Ethereum etc

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Ethereum Trading FAQ

  1. What is Ethereum (ETH): Launching in 2015, Similarly to Bitcoin, Ethereum is a blockchain-based system
  2. Who created Ethereum: Ethereum has been created by Vitalik Buterin a Russian-Canadian programmer and writer primarily known as a co-founder of Ethereum and as a co-founder of Bitcoin Magazine.
  3. Why Ethereum is famous: The main reason that Ethereum is becoming very famous is the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance. This organisation connects some of the most important companies  of Fortune 500 with Ethereum developement. Some of these companies are Microsoft, JP Morgan, Accenture, Inter, BP, BBVA etc… For more information se the complete list here.
  4. What is Ether: Ether is the unit of currency in Ethereum. It’s a token that can be exchanged for services on the Ethereum platform.
  5. What is Blockchain:
  6. How Blockchain works:
  7. Why Ethereum Trading is extremely risky: Cryptocuurencies are by far more volatile than practically any other type of asset, including Currencies, oil, gold or the stock market. Due to the nature of cryptocurrencies, you can lose all or most of your money in the big price fluctuations that can vary with hundreds of percents in a single day. When it comes to cryptocurrency CFD Trading, leverage multiplies the consequences. However, some traders enjoy cryptocurrencies’ volatility and accept such kind of risks. As result Cruptocurrency trading is one the biggest trends around the world these days. Remember that Trading cryptocurrencies is not supervised by any EU regulatory framework.
  8. Cryptocurrency Day Trading:
  9. Where to Trade Ethereum (ETH/USD):
  10. Long term investment in Ethereum:
  11. How to easily Buy & Sell Ethereum:


Important Ethereum Official Links:


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